Spoiler Alert: this will NOT include any of the following
- waist trainers
- a juice cleanse
- "slimming tea"
- a pill
- cabbage soup
You get the idea, I hope.

My point being, there is no "quick fix" for anything. And especially not anything that we want to last a long time.
With that being said, I'm happy to share a handful of things you can do right now that are great catalysts for continually making positive health and wellness choices.
It all starts with 1 good choice.
Drinking 80 - 100 oz. of water daily
- Being properly hydrated significantly affects your brain function and energy levels.
- It can help prevent headaches (headaches are the #1 symptom of dehydration)
- Fabulous skin, water helps maintain your skins elasticity
- Helps significantly aid in weight loss
2. Limit Alcohol Intake
- Alcohol is easily consumed, but essentially contains zero nutrients and is full of energy dense empty calories
- Limiting alcohol allows us to sleep well and recover fully, which goes hand-in-hand with higher energy levels ---- Alcohol is a depressant, that can increase feelings of anxiety and stress + interrupt our deep, restorative sleep (AKA recovery)
- Better cognitive focus and concentration
3. Prioritize Sleep
- Ideally we should aim to be getting 7-8 hours per night (women tend to need a bit more)
- By getting quality sleep, it helps us to maintain a healthy weight & aids in weight-loss as well, by allowing our mind & bodies to fully recover (i.e. muscle repair takes place during sleep)
*Deeper Explanation: "The effect of sleep on weight gain is believed to be affected by numerous factors, including hormones and motivation to exercise. Sleep deprivation (6 hrs or less consecutively) increases levels of ghrelin and decreases levels of leptin. Ghrelin is a hormone that makes us feel hungry while leptin makes us feel full. This may cause us to feel hungrier and overeat.
Sleep-deprived individuals have a bigger appetite and tend to eat more calories."
4. Daily Walks
- Mood enhancer + boost of energy (especially during those mid-day slumpies)
- It's one of the best ways to reduce overall body fat + increase lean muscle mass
- Walks after eating help you to feel satiated longer, less likely to continue snacking after a meal
- Builds up your cardiovascular endurance and heart health
*Do you track your daily steps? 10k steps per day is a great starting point!
5. Fasting Windows
*For example, 12-13 hr fasting windows
- Allows your body to detoxify itself
- Causes the body to convert its fat stores into energy over time
- Increases antioxidant protection (they fight to keep our cells healthy)
- Decreases inflammation
"When you fast, your body finds a way of extending life." --- Because, our bodies are INCREDIBLE.
It's not black & white.
There should never be an all or nothing mentality in place, especially when it comes to anything regarding our wellness. Ultimately, nothing happens overnight. The best thing we can do is direct our focus to being mindful, of what we are doing each day and how it affects our health as a whole.
Be Your Best,